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Found 23647 results for any of the keywords climate disinformation. Time 0.007 seconds.
Climate Disinformation Database - DeSmogIn DeSmog s Climate Disinformation Database, you can browse our extensive research on the individuals and organizations that have helped to delay and distract the public and our elected leaders from taking needed action
Databases - DeSmogIn DeSmog s Climate Disinformation Database, you can browse our extensive research on the individuals and organizations that have helped to delay and distract the public and our elected leaders from taking needed action
One Green Planet One Green Planet Your Guide to Conscious ChoiWelcome Green Monsters! One Green Planet is your online guide to making conscious choices that help people, animals and the planet.
Activism Archives - DeSmogBut experts say these “abusive” lawsuits, which are designed to demoralize and drain resources from activists, should be fought, not feared.
Ad PR Archives - DeSmogFossil-friendly communications companies are represented on some national delegations to the climate talks, DeSmog analysis finds.
False Solutions Archives - DeSmogAgriculture delegates use influence to “distract” policymakers from genuine solutions needed to transform food and farming, say campaigners.
Transportation Archives - DeSmogThe party has pumped out hundreds of adverts falsely stating that Labour would introduce a “national ULEZ”, and pay per mile charges.
Canada Archives - DeSmogOil patch advocate Lisa Baiton called for more extraction and less regulation at Vancouver address that didn’t once mention climate change.
Finance Archives - DeSmogCorporations have found ways to be heard during negotiations on reversing the drastic global decline in plant and animal life.
Donate to DeSmog - DeSmogPlease consider supporting us with a monthly donation or a one-time gift.
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